My career has taken many twists and turns. When I think about it, the direction I’ve moved in over my life-time is consistent, and the skills that I’ve built up make perfect sense for where I find myself now. I am a wife, mother of two sons and a daughter. A long time mover, passionate about helping others find health and wellness through movement, and through the reflection, understanding and direction that Health Coaching provides. 

I was a teacher in township and rural schools, then a lecturer in Academic Literacy at the University of Cape Town, then teacher of teachers and writer of textbooks. The first chapter of my work was all about education.

Later I returned to an earlier passion: movement. I discovered Nia, in all its glorious combination of Dance Arts, Martial Arts, and Healing Arts, and its emphasis on connecting to and sensing the body, whilst moving to music.

I rediscovered parts of me that had been lying dormant: my passion for music, and for the joy of movement. My body and mind came alive, and with it, true wellbeing returned.

I understood then and know now that movement is medicine: for body, mind, emotions and soul. This is what I want for those I teach and coach – a return to joy and wellbeing.

I am now a Functional Health and Wellness coach, certified by Chris Kresser’s year long, rigorous ADAPT Health Coaching programme, with many hours of coaching under my belt.

Health and wellbeing encompass all aspects of life. The big things: relationships, work, health, finances.  And the little things: gratitude for a cup of coffee and a chat with a friend, a walk on the beach, a bird song.

The big things require focus, planning and taking responsibility. The little things require mindfulness and attention, and feed the bigger aspects of life.

If you decide to work with me, you’ll leave the sessions with clarity, focus and inspiration to tackle what is important to you. I can help you figure out what’s holding you back, what your deepest motivations are, and what strengths you can draw on to move forward towards what you most want for yourself. 

I am looking forward to welcoming you into either the Nia space, the coaching space, or both!



We are all creative in our own way and creativity is part of wellness. Sign up to my newsletter to receive a FREE wonderful workbook to inspire you to live a creative life. 


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