Find articles on meditation, how your thoughts affect your emotions and stress levels, and the connection between mind and body.
Hope is the thing with feathers….what’s your relationship to the news?
What’s your relationship to the news? And how does it affect your wellbeing? I used to be a news junkie. I think many of my generation pride themselves on being well informed about current events. We were encouraged to read newspapers, watch good television news, and...
Breathing – Simple Mechanism or Complex Art?
I’ve been thinking about about breath, our prana, our life force. I’ve been noticing my own, behind the mask, and how it changes when I have no mask. Yesterday I went on a hike in the Fernkloof nature reserve, up the Zig Zag route, which is steep but has a beautiful...
Meditation – why do it?
Meditation is an ancient spiritual practice of training awareness. The oldest evidence of meditation practice comes from ancient wall arts in the Indian subcontinent, from around 5000 to 3500 BC, showing people in seated postures, meditating with their eyes half...
Read about all things to do with movement and exercise, and the Nia Technique specifically.
Moving your Spine
As I was packing my suitcase to fly to Bordeaux with my daughter about 2 weeks ago, I could feel a sudden warning pain in my back. I was rushing, because everything had been so last minute (and I’d impulsively decided to cycle down to the lake of Zürich and have a...
Feet First
Are your feet firmly planted on the ground? Or have you had the rug pulled out from under your feet recently? Were you swept off your feet once upon a time, only to get itchy feet later? Have you committed to a major decision, and then suddenly got cold feet and...
Find articles about making positive changes in your life for optimal health, creativity and wellbeing.
Reflecting on Reflecting
The word “reflect” means to bend or “shine back” light rays or images, as in your reflection in a mirror. But reflection, as in shining a light on an experience, is one of the most meaningful ways of learning. We learn by thinking about, and talking about an...
Body, Mind, Emotions, Spirit – how are yours?
As we move through these days of division and anxiety fuelled by the pandemic, by war in Europe and by global warming, I’d like to ask you how you are and to tell you a little about how I am. In between I will drop bits of Rumi poetry that seem to me to speak to our...
Moving your Spine
As I was packing my suitcase to fly to Bordeaux with my daughter about 2 weeks ago, I could feel a sudden warning pain in my back. I was rushing, because everything had been so last minute (and I’d impulsively decided to cycle down to the lake of Zürich and have a...
Hope is the thing with feathers….what’s your relationship to the news?
What’s your relationship to the news? And how does it affect your wellbeing? I used to be a news junkie. I think many of my generation pride themselves on being well informed about current events. We were encouraged to read newspapers, watch good television news, and...
Breathing – Simple Mechanism or Complex Art?
I’ve been thinking about about breath, our prana, our life force. I’ve been noticing my own, behind the mask, and how it changes when I have no mask. Yesterday I went on a hike in the Fernkloof nature reserve, up the Zig Zag route, which is steep but has a beautiful...
Developing Immune Resilience during covid- 19
How resilient is your immune system? Do you seem to get constant coughs and colds, or can you hardly remember when last you had the flu? This is probably an indication of the state of your immune resilience. Immune resilience is your body’s ability to deal with any...
What is Health and Wellness Coaching and how can it help me?
Everybody wants to be healthy. We want health in all areas of our lives: healthy body and mind, healthy relationships, healthy finances. We all want to feel an abundance of energy, to feel strong, fit and to feel confident in our ability to tackle our lives and to...
Read the latest research and information about the ever-changing field of diet and nutrition!
Histamine Intolerance – A Confusing Condition
It’s time to write about one of my least favourite topics. It’s my least favourite because it is complex, and because I suffer from it. And yet it’s really important to address it, because many people don’t know it exists. The topic is histamine intolerance. I...
What is a ketogenic diet and what can it do for you?
Benefits of maintaining reasonably stable blood sugar At the time of writing, I am wearing a continuous glucose monitor, because I am participating in a study being conducted by the Epidemiology Unit at the University of Lausanne. The study asks me to monitor my...

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